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8 items listed; Searching for: Authors include Townsend

Califano M., Vinh N. Q., Phillips P. J., Ikonic Z., Kelsall R. W., Harrison P., Pidgeon C. R., Murdin B. N., Paul D. J., Townsend P., Zhang J., Ross I. M. and Cullis A. G.,
2007, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 045338.

Low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy growth of Si/SiGe THz quantum cascade structures on virtual substrates
Zhao M., Ni W-X., Townsend P., Lynch S. A., Paul D. J., Hsu C. C. and Chang M. N.,
2006, Thin Solid Films, 508, 24–28.

Lynch S. A., Paul D. J., Townsend P., Matmon G., Suet Z., Kelsall R. W., Ikonic Z., Harrison P., Zhang J., Norris D. J., Culllis A. G., Pigeon C. R., Murzyn P., Bain M., Gamble H. S., Zhao M. and Ni W-X.,
2006, IEEE Journal of Seclected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 12, 1570–1578.

Lynch S. A., Townsend P., Matmon G., Paul D. J., Bain M., Gamble H. S., Zhang J., Ikonic Z., Kelsall R. W. and Harrison P.,
2005, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 101114–1–3.

SiGe quantum cascade structures for light emitting devices
Zhang J., Li X. B., Neave J. H., Norris D. J., Cullis A. G., Kelsall R. W., Lynch S., Townsend P., Paul D. J. and Fewster P. F.,
2005, J. Cryst. Growth, 278, 488–494.

Kelsall R. W., Ikonic Z., Harrison P., Lynch S. A., Townsend P., Paul D. J., Norris D. J., Liew S. L., Cullis A. G., Li X., Zhang J., Bain M. and Gamble H. S.,
2005, Optical Materials, 27, 851–854.

Kelsall R. W., Ikonic Z., Murzyn P., Pigeon C. R., Phillips P. J., Harrison P., Lynch S. A., Townsend P., Paul D. J., Liew S. L., Norris D. J. and Cullis A. G.,
2005, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 115326–1–9.

In Search of a Si/SiGe THz Quantum Cascade Laser
Paul D. J., Townsend P., Lynch S. A., Kelsall R. W., Ikonic Z., Harrison P., Norris D. J., Liew S. L., Cullis A. G., Li X., Zhang J., Bain M., Gamble H. S., Tribe W. R. and Arnone D. D.,
2004, Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2004., 143–146
Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2004. digest of Papers. 2004 Topical Meeting on.

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