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18 items listed; Searching for: Authors include Narayan

Dann J. R. A., Verpoort P. C., Oliveira J. Ferreira de, Rowley S. E., Datta A., Kar-Narayan S., Ford C. J. B., Conduit G. J. and Narayan V.,
2019, Phys. Rev. Applied, 12, 034024.

Narayan V., Verpoort P. C., Dann J. R. A., Backes D., Ford C. J. B., Lanius M., Jalil A. R., Schueffelgen P., Mussler G., Conduit G. J. and Gruetzmacher D.,
2019, Phys. Rev. B, 100, 024504.

Datta Anuja, Sangle Abhijeet, Hardingham Nick, Cooper Charles, Kraan Max, Ritchie David, Narayan Vijay and Kar-Narayan Sohini,
2017, Materials, 10, 5.

Narayan Vijay, Pepper Michael and Ritchie David A.,
2016, Comptes Rendus Physique, 17, 1123–1129.

Nguyen T. -A., Backes D., Singh A., Mansell R., Barnes C. H. W., Ritchie D. A., Mussler G., Grützmacher D. and Narayan V.,
2016, Scientific Reports, 6, 27716.

Taneja D., Sfigakis F., Croxall A. F., Gupta K. Das, Narayan V., Waldie J., Farrer I. and Ritchie D. A.,
2016, Semicond. Sci. Tech., 31, 065013.

Narayan Vijay, Nguyen Thuy-Anh, Mansell Rhodri, Ritchie David and Mussler Gregor,
2016, physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters, 10, 253–259.

Backes Dirk, Hall Richard, Pepper Michael, Beere Harvey, Ritchie David and Narayan Vijay,
2016, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 28, 01LT01.

Backes Dirk, Hall Richard, Pepper Michael, Beere Harvey, Ritchie David and Narayan Vijay,
2015, Phys. Rev. B, 92, 235427.

Billiald Jordan, Backes Dirk, König Jürgen, Farrer Ian, Ritchie David and Narayan Vijay,
2015, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107, 022104.

Richardson C. L., Edkins S. D., Berdiyorov G. R., Chua C. J., Griffiths J. P., Jones G. A. C., Buitelaar M. R., Narayan V., Sfigakis F., Smith C. G., Covaci L. and Connolly M. R.,
2015, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 245418.

Whiter R. A., Narayan V. and Kar-Narayan S.,
2014, Advanced Energy Materials, 4, 1400519.

Narayan V., Kogan E., Ford C. J. B., Pepper M., Kaveh M., Griffiths J. P., Jones G. A. C., Beere H. E. and Ritchie D. A.,
2014, New Journal of Physics, 16, 085009.

Koushik R., Baenninger Matthias, Narayan Vijay, Mukerjee Subroto, Pepper Michael, Farrer Ian, Ritchie David A. and Ghosh Arindam,
2013, AIP Conf. Proc., 1566, 265–266.

Narayan V., Pepper M., Griffths J., Beere H., Sfigakis F., Jones G., Ritchie D. and Ghosh A.,
2013, J. Low Temp. Phys., 171, 626–631.

Narayan V., Pepper M., Griffths J., Beere H., Sfigakis F., Jones G., Ritchie D. and Ghosh A.,
2012, J. Low Temp. Phys., 1–1.

Narayan V., Pepper M., Griffiths J., Beere H., Sfigakis F., Jones G., Ritchie D. and Ghosh A.,
2012, Phys. Rev. B, 86, 125406–1–7.

Koushik R., Baenninger M., Narayan Vijay, Mukerjee S., Pepper M., Farrer I., Ritchie D. A. and Ghosh A.,
2011, Phys. Rev. B, 83, 085302.

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